Artifact ghdl_4.1.0+dfsg-2_amd64

- control
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  Architecture: amd64
  Depends: ghdl-common (= 4.1.0+dfsg-2), ghdl-mcode | ghdl-gcc | ghdl-llvm
  Description: |-
    VHDL compiler/simulator
     GHDL is a compiler and simulator for VHDL, a Hardware Description Language.
     GHDL is not an interpreter: it allows you to analyse and elaborate sources to
     generate machine code from your design. Native program execution is the only
     way for high speed simulation.
     GHDL offers three machine code generation backends: one based on GCC, one
     using the LLVM compiler suite and a GHDL specific one called mcode. These are
     available in the ghdl-gcc, ghdl-llvm and ghdl-mcode packages respectively.
     Both the GCC and LLVM backends create highly optimized code for excellent
     simulation performance while simulations compiled with the GCC backend also
     allow coverage testing using gcov. The mcode backend creates less performant
     code but makes up for it with much faster compilation. It is therefore
     preferable for smaller projects without large or long running simulations.
     Multiple backends can be installed at the same time and selected by either
     invoking the desired GHDL directly (as ghdl-gcc, ghdl-llvm or ghdl-mcode) or
     by providing a GHDL_BACKEND environment variable (containing gcc, llvm or
     mcode) while invoking ghdl.
     This package is a dependency package that will make sure at least one backend
     is installed.
  Installed-Size: '10'
  Maintainer: Debian Electronics Team <>
  Package: ghdl
  Priority: optional
  Section: electronics
  Suggests: gtkwave
  Version: 4.1.0+dfsg-2
srcpkg_name: ghdl
srcpkg_version: 4.1.0+dfsg-2


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binary package System mirror sid from - 2 weeks, 3 days ago 0 minutes