Artifact resource-agents_1:4.15.1-2_amd64

- conffiles
- control
- md5sums
- postinst
- postrm
- prerm
  Architecture: amd64
  Depends: libc6 (>= 2.38), libnet1 (>=, libplumb2t64, libqb100 (>= 2.0.1),
    python3:any, bc, cluster-glue, gawk
  Description: |-
    Cluster Resource Agents
     This package contains cluster resource agents (RAs) compliant with the Open
     Cluster Framework (OCF) specification, used to interface with various services
     in a High Availability environment managed by the Pacemaker resource manager.
     Agents included:
      AoEtarget: Manages ATA-over-Ethernet (AoE) target exports
      AudibleAlarm: Emits audible beeps at a configurable interval
      CTDB: CTDB Resource Agent
      ClusterMon: Runs crm_mon in the background, recording the cluster status to...
      Delay: Waits for a defined timespan
      Dummy: Example stateless resource agent
      EvmsSCC: Manages EVMS Shared Cluster Containers (SCCs) (deprecated)
      Evmsd: Controls clustered EVMS volume management
      Filesystem: Manages filesystem mounts
      ICP: Manages an ICP Vortex clustered host drive
      IPaddr: Manages virtual IPv4 addresses (portable version)
      IPaddr2: Manages virtual IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (Linux specific version)
      IPsrcaddr: Manages the preferred source address for outgoing IP packets
      IPv6addr: Manages IPv6 aliases
      LVM: Controls the availability of an LVM Volume Group
      LVM-activate: This agent activates/deactivates logical volumes.
      LinuxSCSI: Enables and disables SCSI devices through the
      MailTo: Notifies recipients by email in the event of resource takeover
      ManageRAID: Manages RAID devices
      ManageVE: Manages an OpenVZ Virtual Environment (VE)
      NodeUtilization: Node Utilization
      Pure-FTPd: Manages a Pure-FTPd FTP server instance
      Raid1: Manages Linux software RAID (MD) devices on shared storage
      Route: Manages network routes
      SAPDatabase: Manages a SAP database instance as an HA resource.
      SAPInstance: Manages a SAP instance as an HA resource.
      SendArp: Broadcasts unsolicited ARP announcements
      ServeRAID: Enables and disables shared ServeRAID merge groups
      SphinxSearchDaemon: Manages the Sphinx search daemon.
      Squid: Manages a Squid proxy server instance
      Stateful: Example stateful resource agent
      SysInfo: Records various node attributes in the CIB
      VIPArip: Manages a virtual IP address through RIP2
      VirtualDomain: Manages virtual domains through the libvirt virtualization f...
      WAS: Manages a WebSphere Application Server instance
      WAS6: Manages a WebSphere Application Server 6 instance
      WinPopup: Sends an SMB notification message to selected hosts
      Xen: Manages Xen unprivileged domains (DomUs)
      Xinetd: Manages a service of Xinetd
      ZFS: Manages ZFS pools
      aliyun-vpc-move-ip: Move IP within a VPC of the Aliyun ECS
      anything: Manages an arbitrary service
      apache: Manages an Apache Web server instance
      asterisk: Manages an Asterisk PBX
      aws-vpc-move-ip: Move IP within a VPC of the AWS EC2
      aws-vpc-route53: Update Route53 VPC record for AWS EC2
      awseip: Amazon AWS Elastic IP Address Resource Agent
      awsvip: Amazon AWS Secondary Private IP Address Resource Agent
      azure-events: Microsoft Azure Scheduled Events monitoring agent
      azure-events-az: Microsoft Azure Scheduled Events monitoring agent
      azure-lb: Answers Azure Load Balancer health probe requests
      clvm: clvmd
      conntrackd: This resource agent manages conntrackd
      corosync-qnetd: Corosync QNet daemon resource agent
      crypt: LUKS/crypt resource agent
      db2: Resource Agent that manages an IBM DB2 LUW databases in Standard role ...
      dhcpd: Chrooted ISC DHCP server resource agent.
      dnsupdate: IP take-over via dynamic DNS update
      docker: Docker container resource agent.
      docker-compose: This script manages docker services using docker-compose.
      dovecot: Manages a highly available Dovecot IMAP/POP3 server instance
      dummypy: Example stateless resource agent
      eDir88: Manages a Novell eDirectory directory server
      ethmonitor: Monitors network interfaces
      exportfs: Manages NFS exports
      fio: fio IO load generator
      galera: Manages a galera instance
      garbd: Manages a galera arbitrator instance
      gcp-ilb: Replies to health checks from Google Cloud
      gcp-pd-move: Attach/Detach a persistent disk on current GCP instance
      gcp-vpc-move-ip: Move IP within a GCP VPC
      gcp-vpc-move-route: Move IP within a GCP VPC
      gcp-vpc-move-vip: Floating IP Address or Range on Google Cloud Platform
      iSCSILogicalUnit: Manages iSCSI Logical Units (LUs)
      iSCSITarget: iSCSI target export agent
      ids: Manages an Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) instance
      iface-bridge: Manages Bridge network interfaces.
      iface-macvlan: Manages MACVLAN network interfaces.
      iface-vlan: Manages VLAN network interfaces.
      ipsec: Handles IPSEC tunnels for VIPs
      iscsi: Manages a local iSCSI initiator and its connections to iSCSI targets
      jboss: Manages a JBoss application server instance
      jira: JIRA OCF RA
      kamailio: Resource agent for Kamailio
      ldirectord: Wrapper OCF Resource Agent for ldirectord
      lvmlockd: This agent manages the lvmlockd daemon
      lxc: Manages LXC containers
      lxd-info: Records various node attributes in the CIB
      machine-info: Records various node attributes in the CIB
      mariadb: Manages a MariaDB promotable instance
      mdraid: Manages Linux software RAID (MD) devices on shared
      minio: OCF Resource Agent compliant Minio server script.
      mpathpersist: Manages SCSI persistent reservations on multipath devices
      mysql: Manages a MySQL database instance
      mysql-proxy: Manages a MySQL Proxy instance
      nagios: Nagios resource agent
      named: Manages a named server
      nfsnotify: sm-notify reboot notifications
      nfsserver: Manages an NFS server
      nginx: Manages an Nginx web/proxy server instance
      nvmet-namespace: NVMe-oF target export agent
      nvmet-port: NVMe-oF target export agent
      nvmet-subsystem: NVMe-oF target export agent
      ocivip: OCI Secondary Private IP Address for Compute instances Resource Agent
      openstack-cinder-volume: Attach a cinder volume
      openstack-floating-ip: Move a floating IP
      openstack-info: Records various node attributes in the CIB
      openstack-virtual-ip: Move a virtual IP
      oraasm: Oracle ASM resource agent
      oracle: Manages an Oracle Database instance
      oralsnr: Manages an Oracle TNS listener
      osceip: Outscale Elastic IP Address Resource Agent
      ovsmonitor: Monitors ovs bonding bonds
      pgagent: Controls pgagent
      pgsql: Manages a PostgreSQL database instance
      pingd: Monitors connectivity to specific hosts or
      podman: Podman container resource agent.
      portblock: Block and unblocks access to TCP and UDP ports
      postfix: Manages a highly available Postfix mail server instance
      pound: Manage a Pound instance
      powervs-subnet: Manages moving a Power Virtual Server subnet
      proftpd: OCF Resource Agent compliant FTP script.
      rabbitmq-cluster: rabbitmq clustered
      rabbitmq-server-ha: Resource agent for RabbitMQ HA cluster
      redis: Redis server
      rkt: rkt container resource agent.
      rsyncd: Manages an rsync daemon
      rsyslog: rsyslog resource agent
      scsi2reservation: scsi-2 reservation
      sfex: Manages exclusive access to shared storage using Shared Disk File EXc...
      sg_persist: Manages SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVATIONS
      slapd: Manages a Stand-alone LDAP Daemon (slapd) instance
      smb-share: Manages samba shares on the fly
      storage-mon: storage I/O health status
      sybaseASE: Sybase ASE Failover Instance
      symlink: Manages a symbolic link
      syslog-ng: Syslog-ng resource agent
      tomcat: Manages a Tomcat servlet environment instance
      varnish: Manage a Varnish instance
      vdo-vol: VDO resource agent
      vmware: Manages VMWare Server 2.0 virtual machines
      vsftpd: Manages an vsftpd
      zabbixserver: Zabbix server resource agent
  Installed-Size: '3092'
  Maintainer: Debian HA Maintainers <>
  Package: resource-agents
  Priority: optional
  Provides: resource-agents-dev
  Recommends: libxml2-utils, net-tools, python3-googleapi
  Section: admin
  Version: 1:4.15.1-2
srcpkg_name: resource-agents
srcpkg_version: 1:4.15.1-2


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package resource-agents_1:4.15.1-2

binary package System mirror sid from - 2 weeks, 1 day ago 0 minutes