Architecture: all
Binary: libdata-random-perl
Changed-By: gregor herrmann <>
Changes: |2-
libdata-random-perl (0.13-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
* debian/control: Use HTTPS transport protocol for Vcs-Git URI
[ gregor herrmann ]
* debian/copyright: change Copyright-Format 1.0 URL to HTTPS.
* debian/upstream/metadata: use HTTPS for GitHub URLs.
[ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
* Update Vcs-* headers for switch to
[ gregor herrmann ]
* Import upstream version 0.13.
* Update debian/upstream/metadata.
* Refresh patches (offset).
* Update years of upstream and packaging copyright.
* debian/copyright: drop stanza about removed third-party files.
* Update build dependencies.
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.5.
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 10.
* Update debian/ Files were moved.
And don't install them into /usr/share/perl5 as well.
- name: libdata-random-perl_0.13-1_all.deb
sha1: 9947587d531ecdf0dc704007f0121d4b8d04c4a7
size: '129204'
- name: libdata-random-perl_0.13-1_arm64.buildinfo
sha1: f7970447313bbe940519bd90399b31e6c5d70197
size: '5982'
- name: libdata-random-perl_0.13-1_all.deb
sha256: 19afb91e03f62210638bcd436ccdb2740fb483f0addc7422ebc9e2336d6138ad
size: '129204'
- name: libdata-random-perl_0.13-1_arm64.buildinfo
sha256: 9d51d4c9996ff1759b2f5d65791081bf687b6c7d8d175da85c0b4729830df210
size: '5982'
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 21:08:37 +0200
Description: |2-
libdata-random-perl - Perl module to generate random data
Distribution: sid
- md5sum: 3d91edd4ba12f8a7f6ba6f59a86be40d
name: libdata-random-perl_0.13-1_all.deb
priority: optional
section: perl
size: '129204'
- md5sum: 86d1ef059a76b6b2e0c38d0b928bc514
name: libdata-random-perl_0.13-1_arm64.buildinfo
priority: optional
section: perl
size: '5982'
Format: '1.8'
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <>
Source: libdata-random-perl
Urgency: medium
Version: 0.13-1
type: dpkg