Architecture: arm64
Binary: libdate-calc-xs-perl libdate-calc-xs-perl-dbgsym
Changed-By: "Jelmer Vernoo\u0133 <>"
Changes: |2-
libdate-calc-xs-perl (6.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
* debian/control: Use HTTPS transport protocol for Vcs-Git URI
[ gregor herrmann ]
* Change bugtracker URL(s) to HTTPS.
* debian/copyright: change Copyright-Format 1.0 URL to HTTPS.
* Remove Jonathan Yu from Uploaders. Thanks for your work!
[ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
* Update Vcs-* headers for switch to
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Bump debhelper from old 9 to 12.
* Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends.
* Remove obsolete fields Contact, Name from debian/upstream/metadata
(already present in machine-readable debian/copyright).
[ gregor herrmann ]
* debian/control: update Build-Depends for cross builds.
* debian/watch: use uscan version 4.
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Remove constraints unnecessary since stretch:
+ Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on libbit-vector-perl,
+ libdate-calc-xs-perl: Drop versioned constraint on libbit-vector-perl,
libdate-calc-perl in Depends.
+ libdate-calc-xs-perl: Drop versioned constraint on libdate-calc-perl in
+ libdate-calc-xs-perl: Drop versioned constraint on libdate-calc-perl in
- name: libdate-calc-xs-perl-dbgsym_6.4-2_arm64.deb
sha1: e2739611c3abb0b39d29578b8ce96375603c0dc9
size: '127672'
- name: libdate-calc-xs-perl_6.4-2_arm64.buildinfo
sha1: 919ab648d027636decffcdc3dff854e3d0439050
size: '5167'
- name: libdate-calc-xs-perl_6.4-2_arm64.deb
sha1: f1684abf8414b339038fcdc628d19daf40b54a72
size: '49412'
- name: libdate-calc-xs-perl-dbgsym_6.4-2_arm64.deb
sha256: 08fc888fe711f7a3600e0e953d33d58e3c3d66385d1882349a6cba06bd486655
size: '127672'
- name: libdate-calc-xs-perl_6.4-2_arm64.buildinfo
sha256: 8dcef0290efd3603b1150499fe73a64436c978612ae7d1f66b529eb9bbb85eb8
size: '5167'
- name: libdate-calc-xs-perl_6.4-2_arm64.deb
sha256: 631646bbcc5a87d59d72fe6a2b4e26562e3dbfd2e16eb67d354f694676fbe3f8
size: '49412'
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 07:52:20 +0100
Description: |2-
libdate-calc-xs-perl - Perl library for accessing dates
Distribution: sid
- md5sum: e5b58e6d96e317fdb9c595df59b5b8ca
name: libdate-calc-xs-perl-dbgsym_6.4-2_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: debug
size: '127672'
- md5sum: 37e4b81242611c35e3c5b1666190e06d
name: libdate-calc-xs-perl_6.4-2_arm64.buildinfo
priority: optional
section: perl
size: '5167'
- md5sum: 71a81d25c4d452e08940fb3de7e32fab
name: libdate-calc-xs-perl_6.4-2_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: perl
size: '49412'
Format: '1.8'
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <>
Source: libdate-calc-xs-perl
Urgency: medium
Version: 6.4-2
type: dpkg