Architecture: all
Binary: libsharyanto-utils-perl
Changed-By: "Jelmer Vernoo\u0133 <>"
Changes: |2-
libsharyanto-utils-perl (0.77-2) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
* debian/control: Use HTTPS transport protocol for Vcs-Git URI
[ gregor herrmann ]
* debian/copyright: change Copyright-Format 1.0 URL to HTTPS.
* debian/upstream/metadata: use HTTPS for GitHub URLs.
[ Alex Muntada ]
* Remove inactive pkg-perl members from Uploaders.
[ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
* Update Vcs-* headers for switch to
[ gregor herrmann ]
* debian/watch: use uscan version 4.
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Bump debhelper from old 9 to 12.
* Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends.
* Remove obsolete fields Contact, Name from debian/upstream/metadata
(already present in machine-readable debian/copyright).
* Remove constraints unnecessary since stretch:
+ Build-Depends-Indep: Drop versioned constraint on libtest-simple-perl and
+ libsharyanto-utils-perl: Drop versioned constraint on perl in Depends.
- name: libsharyanto-utils-perl_0.77-2_all.deb
sha1: 4bffaabbbfed3ae6dddda99df5a9da300b8308bd
size: '29848'
- name: libsharyanto-utils-perl_0.77-2_arm64.buildinfo
sha1: 172d3b0bd73b8f7baaaaf2ab249d21457a6f837b
size: '5054'
- name: libsharyanto-utils-perl_0.77-2_all.deb
sha256: 54cfcca583f546bee6d08583dd2e30c273f3da90dcb1f881df62ca9d7c250be8
size: '29848'
- name: libsharyanto-utils-perl_0.77-2_arm64.buildinfo
sha256: a02f37ce4e732583afe1188025d8c97a89be9de865d8775e299ea4c3ae116acd
size: '5054'
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 10:20:56 +0100
Description: |2-
libsharyanto-utils-perl - SHARYANTO's temporary modules for various routines
Distribution: sid
- md5sum: 04e7160a9a6090903f9ef5ea942ebaac
name: libsharyanto-utils-perl_0.77-2_all.deb
priority: optional
section: perl
size: '29848'
- md5sum: a4aeb1277801dca741f6c789e0de2a31
name: libsharyanto-utils-perl_0.77-2_arm64.buildinfo
priority: optional
section: perl
size: '5054'
Format: '1.8'
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <>
Source: libsharyanto-utils-perl
Urgency: medium
Version: 0.77-2
type: dpkg