Artifact numpy-stl_2.9.0-2

  Architecture: all arm64
  Binary: numpy-stl python3-stl python3-stl-dbgsym
  Changed-By: Sandro Tosi <>
  Changes: "\n numpy-stl (2.9.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium\n .\n   [ Ond\u0159ej\
    \ Nov\xFD ]\n   * Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat.\n   * d/control:\
    \ Update Maintainer field with new Debian Python Team\n     contact address.\n\
    \   * d/control: Update Vcs-* fields with new Debian Python Team Salsa\n     layout.\n\
    \ .\n   [ Debian Janitor ]\n   * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit,\
    \ Repository,\n     Repository-Browse.\n   * Drop unnecessary dh arguments: --parallel,\
    \ --parallel\n   * Update watch file format version to 4.\n   * Update pattern\
    \ for GitHub archive URLs from /<org>/<repo>/tags\n     page/<org>/<repo>/archive/<tag>\
    \ -> /<org>/<repo>/archive/refs/tags/<tag>."
  - name: numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_all.deb
    sha1: 455b90c406570e6cd14a2afaa66a412a4b7a4771
    size: '7632'
  - name: numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.buildinfo
    sha1: 1cb6c848d9e5d6a922ec78abc4a1566f3e4e149b
    size: '7219'
  - name: python3-stl-dbgsym_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb
    sha1: 3bd31b6439dd3fa6126811f136399d4d389fd3be
    size: '279864'
  - name: python3-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb
    sha1: 088b3de95d587a23265979f3eca262be3df221ca
    size: '47172'
  - name: numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_all.deb
    sha256: 24604bae27cde530f3d14509227aa1543eec26128466e62c59afa3be375b26ee
    size: '7632'
  - name: numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.buildinfo
    sha256: 29db891bc02fe1450d13db0bb92954a7e5df125ca9009e3d42b6e314b890359a
    size: '7219'
  - name: python3-stl-dbgsym_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb
    sha256: 8fd158a58d51198d747de658d8d22542ee994f52e5ec25f0a5f88ad415fb544a
    size: '279864'
  - name: python3-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb
    sha256: 014431537c1c65350c21e5cb94372fb282a248981d1e378c303d702191633767
    size: '47172'
  Date: Wed, 04 May 2022 16:20:52 -0400
  Description: |2-

     numpy-stl  - stl file and 3d object handling (tools)
     python3-stl - stl file and 3d object handling for the Python language
  Distribution: sid
  - md5sum: c80d401e28455a9a38db6719561d6b4f
    name: numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_all.deb
    priority: optional
    section: python
    size: '7632'
  - md5sum: f0e31b58b3930faeb8b52d5d419e4953
    name: numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.buildinfo
    priority: optional
    section: python
    size: '7219'
  - md5sum: 9fdc71fceb777996dad1cbbdebb02368
    name: python3-stl-dbgsym_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb
    priority: optional
    section: debug
    size: '279864'
  - md5sum: c25106d541e3b5a79e208af9174a4293
    name: python3-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb
    priority: optional
    section: python
    size: '47172'
  Format: '1.8'
  Maintainer: Debian Python Team <>
  Source: numpy-stl
  Urgency: medium
  Version: 2.9.0-2
type: dpkg


Name Size (bytes)
numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_all.deb 7.5 KB
numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.buildinfo 7.0 KB
numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.changes 2.2 KB
python3-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb 46.1 KB
python3-stl-dbgsym_2.9.0-2_arm64.deb 273.3 KB


Relation Direction Type Name
extends Binary package python3-stl-dbgsym_2.9.0-2_arm64
relates-to Binary package python3-stl-dbgsym_2.9.0-2_arm64
extends Binary package python3-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64
relates-to Binary package python3-stl_2.9.0-2_arm64
extends Binary packages numpy-stl_2.9.0-2
relates-to Binary packages numpy-stl_2.9.0-2
extends Binary package numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_all
relates-to Binary package numpy-stl_2.9.0-2_all
extends Binary packages numpy-stl_2.9.0-2
relates-to Binary packages numpy-stl_2.9.0-2

package upload System build a package - 1 month, 1 week ago 1 week, 1 day