Artifact python-pem_19.1.0-2

  Architecture: all
  Binary: python3-pem
  Changed-By: Sandro Tosi <>
  Changes: "\n python-pem (19.1.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium\n .\n   [ Ond\u0159\
    ej Nov\xFD ]\n   * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0.\n   * d/watch: Use https protocol.\n\
    \   * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.1.\n   * d/control: Update Maintainer field\
    \ with new Debian Python Team\n     contact address.\n   * d/control: Update Vcs-*\
    \ fields with new Debian Python Team Salsa\n     layout.\n .\n   [ Debian Janitor\
    \ ]\n   * Trim trailing whitespace.\n   * Set field Upstream-Name in debian/copyright.\n\
    \   * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository,\n  \
    \   Repository-Browse.\n   * Update standards version to 4.5.0, no changes needed.\n\
    \   * Bump debhelper from old 12 to 13.\n   * Update standards version to 4.5.1,\
    \ no changes needed."
  - name: python-pem_19.1.0-2_arm64.buildinfo
    sha1: 3708adaf30ef3db5926f014c2092e34ec54f14e8
    size: '5869'
  - name: python3-pem_19.1.0-2_all.deb
    sha1: 1ba2becefd4dc7ab4ab23ac15878aa38c854af1f
    size: '9784'
  - name: python-pem_19.1.0-2_arm64.buildinfo
    sha256: d059e879db041b4d4b65f5f52ecd0a46e5f2693748c2e8ab88090fc24b699228
    size: '5869'
  - name: python3-pem_19.1.0-2_all.deb
    sha256: ba8a38548bdacea15c618f9d4c12411b39ec3de08766a52732d15c595de7733a
    size: '9784'
  Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 02:14:02 -0400
  Description: |2-

     python3-pem - easy PEM file parsing in Python
  Distribution: sid
  - md5sum: 8a579fbddc6d513322c2237d66a58778
    name: python-pem_19.1.0-2_arm64.buildinfo
    priority: optional
    section: python
    size: '5869'
  - md5sum: e8c28d4c6a6fb1b8a4d429e7d7a00fe6
    name: python3-pem_19.1.0-2_all.deb
    priority: optional
    section: python
    size: '9784'
  Format: '1.8'
  Maintainer: Debian Python Team <>
  Source: python-pem
  Urgency: medium
  Version: 19.1.0-2
type: dpkg


Name Size (bytes)
python3-pem_19.1.0-2_all.deb 9.6 KB
python-pem_19.1.0-2_arm64.buildinfo 5.7 KB
python-pem_19.1.0-2_arm64.changes 1.6 KB


Relation Direction Type Name
extends Binary package python3-pem_19.1.0-2_all
relates-to Binary package python3-pem_19.1.0-2_all
extends Binary packages python-pem_19.1.0-2
relates-to Binary packages python-pem_19.1.0-2

package upload System build a package - 1 month ago 4 days, 18 hours