- control
- md5sums
Architecture: all
Depends: ruby-activerecord, ruby-amq-protocol, ruby-amqp, ruby-em-http-request,
ruby-em-mongo, ruby-eventmachine, ruby-mongo, ruby-mysql2, ruby-remcached
Description: |-
fiber aware EventMachine libraries
Collection of convenience classes and primitives to help untangle evented
code, plus a number of patched EM clients to make them Fiber aware.
* Fiber aware ConnectionPool with sync/async query support
* Fiber aware Iterator to allow concurrency control & mixing of sync / async
* Fiber aware async inline support: turns any async function into sync
* Fiber aware Multi-request interface for any callback enabled clients
* Fiber aware TCPSocket replacement, powered by EventMachine
* Fiber aware Thread, Mutex, ConditionVariable clases
* Fiber aware sleep, defer, system
Installed-Size: '92'
Maintainer: Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers <>
Package: ruby-em-synchrony
Priority: optional
Section: ruby
Version: 1.0.5-3.1
srcpkg_name: ruby-em-synchrony
srcpkg_version: 1.0.5-3.1