Format: 1.8 Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2020 16:10:37 -0500 Source: shanty Binary: shanty Architecture: all Version: 3-4.1 Distribution: sid Urgency: medium Maintainer: Jorge Salamero Sanz Changed-By: Boyuan Yang Description: shanty - Makes a whopping great postscript file from an image and a text Closes: 670951 962705 965816 Changes: shanty (3-4.1) unstable; urgency=medium . * Non-maintainer upload. * Rebuild on buildd with .buildinfo files. (Closes: #962705) * Modernize packaging: + Migrate to "3.0 (quilt)" source format. (Closes: #670951) + Bump debhelper compat to v13. (Closes: #965816) + Migrate to debhelper dh sequencer. + Switch priority back to optional. * debian/control: Add missing dep substitution variables. Checksums-Sha1: a3571bb40d7af79901f1755b989233ab3c16410c 9068 shanty_3-4.1_all.deb 5ed940f10e3f18e46b93038efcc56b1689474506 4535 shanty_3-4.1_arm64.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: a7940b5c40c86db59af4456b7c470fdfbe203102d7a67e8f90bebc8496fd9e74 9068 shanty_3-4.1_all.deb b092514fe1552adbef0dea380ae5685bfda9fb2b3fd91d7c77ade8f66c74cecb 4535 shanty_3-4.1_arm64.buildinfo Files: 572b3657b033815c8effeb210bd453bd 9068 graphics optional shanty_3-4.1_all.deb 3e41c328c23e97c08ece43c2f9b7de6a 4535 graphics optional shanty_3-4.1_arm64.buildinfo