- control
- md5sums
Architecture: arm64
Depends: cinnamon-core (>= 6.2.0), eog, evince | pdf-viewer, fonts-liberation, gedit
| gnome-text-editor, gnome-calculator | galculator, gnome-screenshot, xdg-user-dirs-gtk
Description: |-
Cinnamon desktop environment - full desktop with extra components
These are the extended components of Cinnamon, a desktop environment which
provides advanced innovative features and a traditional user experience.
This metapackage depends on all programs needed to have a fully fledged
desktop environment. Install this if you want a complete cinnamon desktop,
including graphical apps that allow users to perform almost all everyday tasks.
Installed-Size: '10'
Maintainer: Debian Cinnamon Team <>
Package: cinnamon-desktop-environment
Priority: optional
Recommends: blueman, brasero | k3b, cheese, cups, deja-dup | backintime-qt, firefox-esr
| firefox | chromium | www-browser, fonts-noto-core, gdebi, gnome-characters,
gnome-disk-utility, gnome-font-viewer, gnome-games, gnome-logs, gnome-software,
gnome-sound-recorder, gnome-system-monitor, gnote, gstreamer1.0-libav, gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly,
hexchat, libreoffice-calc, libreoffice-gnome, libreoffice-impress, libreoffice-writer,
mate-themes, orca, pidgin, remmina | vinagre, rhythmbox, rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder,
rhythmbox-plugins, seahorse, shotwell | gnome-photos, simple-scan, sound-juicer,
sound-theme-freedesktop, synaptic, system-config-printer, thunderbird | evolution
| geary | mail-reader, totem | vlc | mpv | mplayer-gui | smplayer, transmission-gtk
| deluge, vino | x2goserver, yelp, zenity
Section: metapackages
Suggests: gedit-plugins, gimp, inkscape, low-memory-monitor
Version: 6.2.0
srcpkg_name: cinnamon-desktop-environment
srcpkg_version: 6.2.0