- control
- md5sums
- postinst
- prerm
Architecture: all
Depends: med-config (= 3.8.2), med-tasks (= 3.8.2)
Description: |-
Debian Med image processing and visualization packages
This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful in
medical image processing and visualization.
On one hand, it installs several packages supporting various image file
formats and image management, like DICOM (Digital Imaging and
Communications in Medicine) which is the de-facto standard for medical
image management, and NIFTI. On the other hand, it provides a variety of
software packages that can be used for visualization and for image processing
- either from a graphical user interface, the command line, or implemented in
Installed-Size: '30'
Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <>
Package: med-imaging
Priority: optional
Recommends: amide, ants, bart, bart-view, biosig-tools, camitk-imp, ctn, ctsim,
dcm2niix, dcmtk, dicom3tools, dicomscope, gdf-tools, gwyddion, heudiconv, imagej,
invesalius, ismrmrd-tools, king, libgdcm-tools, medcon, mia-tools, mialmpick,
minc-tools, mricron, mrtrix3, nifti-bin, odil, odin, openslide-tools, orthanc,
orthanc-wsi, pixelmed-apps, plastimatch, python3-dipy, python3-nibabel, python3-nipy,
python3-nipype, python3-nitime, python3-pydicom, python3-pyxid, python3-surfer,
sightcalibrator, sightviewer, sigviewer, teem-apps, tifffile, vrrender, vtk-dicom-tools,
Section: metapackages
Source: debian-med
Suggests: afni, bart-cuda, bioimagesuite, bioimagexd, blox, brainvisa, caret, cdmedicpacs,
cellprofiler, cmtk, connectomeviewer, crea, dcm4chee, devide, dicom4j, dicoogle,
drjekyll, dti-query, dtitk, ecg2png, eeglab, elastix, fiji, freesurfer, fsl, fslview,
gimias, ginkgocadx, hid, illustrate, imagemagick, imagevis3d, imview, incf-nidash-oneclick-clients,
insightapplications, isis, itksnap, jemris, jist, kradview, libdcm4che-java, lipsia,
maris, mayam, medisnap, mesa-test-tools, mia-viewit, micromanager, mipav, miview,
mni-autoreg, mni-colin27-nifti, mni-icbm152-nlin-2009, mni-n3, mrisim, omero,, openelectrophy, openmeeg-tools, opensourcepacs, openwalnut-qt4,
orthanc-dicomweb, orthanc-gdcm, orthanc-imagej, orthanc-mysql, orthanc-neuro,
orthanc-postgresql, orthanc-webviewer, paraview, piano, pngquant, pymeg, science-workflow,
slicer, sofa-apps, stabilitycalc, stir, tempo, trimage, via-bin, visit, vmtk,
voxbo, xnat
Version: 3.8.2
srcpkg_name: debian-med
srcpkg_version: 3.8.2