Artifact debian-goodies_0.88.1_all

- control
- md5sums
- postinst
- postrm
- preinst
- prerm
  Architecture: all
  Conflicts: bikeshed, debget
  Description: |-
    Small toolbox-style utilities for Debian systems
     These programs are designed to integrate with standard shell tools,
     extending them to operate on the Debian packaging system.
      dglob  - Generate a list of package names which match a pattern
               [dctrl-tools, apt*, apt-file*, perl*]
      dgrep  - Search all files in specified packages for a regex
               [dctrl-tools, apt-file (both via dglob)]
     These are also included, because they are useful and don't justify
     their own packages:
                 - find packages which enhance installed packages [apt,
                 - Help to find and restart processes which are using old versions
                   of upgraded files (such as libraries) [python3, procps, lsof*]
      debget     - Fetch a .deb for a package in APT's database [apt]
      debman     - Easily view man pages from a binary .deb without extracting
                   [man, apt* (via debget)]
      debmany    - Select manpages of installed or uninstalled packages [man |
                   sensible-utils, whiptail | dialog | zenity, apt*, konqueror*,
      dhomepage  - Open homepage of a package in a web browser [dctrl-tools,
                   sensible-utils*, www-browser* | x-www-browser*]
      dman       - Fetch manpages from online service [curl,
                   man, lsb-release*]
      dpigs      - Show which installed packages occupy the most space
                 - Get list of dbgsym packages from core dump or PID. [dctrl-tools,
                   elfutils, libfile-which-perl, libipc-system-simple-perl,
                   Usage of the --ssh option requires openssh-client.
                   Usage of the --deb option requires equivs.
      popbugs    - Display a customized release-critical bug list based on
                   packages you use (using popularity-contest data) [python3,
                 - find which package might have broken another [python3, apt]
                 - find which package might have broken the build of another
                   [python3 (via which-pkg-broke), apt]
     Package name in brackets denote (non-essential) dependencies of the
     scripts. Packages names with an asterisk ("*") denote optional
     dependencies, all other are hard dependencies.
     Hard dependencies of single tools are listed in the Recommends field
     of the package and optional dependencies of single tools in the
     Suggests field -- as common with many "collection" style Debian
  Installed-Size: '234'
  Maintainer: "Javier Fern\xE1ndez-Sanguino Pe\xF1a <>"
  Package: debian-goodies
  Priority: optional
  Recommends: apt, curl, dctrl-tools, elfutils, equivs, libipc-system-simple-perl,
    libfile-slurper-perl, libfile-which-perl, man-db, perl, popularity-contest, procps,
    python3, sensible-utils, whiptail | dialog | zenity
  Replaces: bikeshed, debget
  Section: utils
  Suggests: apt-file, ccze, debsums, konqueror, lsb-release, lsof, openssh-client,
    sudo, x-www-browser | www-browser, xdg-utils
  Version: 0.88.1
srcpkg_name: debian-goodies
srcpkg_version: 0.88.1


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package debian-goodies_0.88.1

binary package System - - 6 months, 2 weeks ago 5 months, 2 weeks