Artifact libcglm-dev_0.9.4-1+b1_amd64

- control
- md5sums
  Architecture: amd64
  Depends: libcglm0 (= 0.9.4-1+b1)
  Description: |-
    Development files for the cglm library
     cglm is an optimized 3D math library written in C99 (compatible with C89).
     It is based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification and
     similar to the original glm library except this library is written in C.
     It uses the same header-only approach like glm but also supports
     pre-compield function calls
      * scalar and simd (sse, avx, neon...) optimizations
      * option to use different clipspaces e.g. Left Handed, Zero-to-One...
        (currrently right handed negative-one is default)
      * array API and struct API, you can use arrays or structs.
      * general purpose matrix operations (mat4, mat3)
      * chain matrix multiplication (square only)
      * general purpose vector operations (cross, dot, rotate, proj, angle...)
      * affine transformations
      * matrix decomposition (extract rotation, scaling factor)
      * optimized affine transform matrices (mul, rigid-body inverse)
      * camera (lookat)
      * projections (ortho, perspective)
      * quaternions
      * euler angles / yaw-pitch-roll to matrix
      * extract euler angles
      * inline or pre-compiled function call
      * frustum (extract view frustum planes, corners...)
      * bounding box (AABB in Frustum (culling), crop, merge...)
      * bounding sphere
      * project, unproject
      * easing functions
      * curves
      * curve interpolation helpers (SMC, deCasteljau...)
      * helpers to convert cglm types to Apple's simd library to pass cglm types to
        Metal GL without packing them on both sides
      * ray intersection helpers
      * and others...
     This package contains the development header files
  Installed-Size: '1047'
  Maintainer: Leon Marz <>
  Multi-Arch: same
  Package: libcglm-dev
  Priority: optional
  Section: libdevel
  Source: cglm (0.9.4-1)
  Suggests: libcglm-doc (= 0.9.4-1+b1)
  Version: 0.9.4-1+b1
srcpkg_name: cglm
srcpkg_version: 0.9.4-1


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package cglm_0.9.4-1

binary package System mirror trixie from - 3 months, 2 weeks ago 2 months, 2 weeks