Artifact libvips-dev_8.15.3-1+b1_arm64

- control
- md5sums
  Architecture: arm64
  Depends: libvips42t64 (= 8.15.3-1+b1), gir1.2-vips-8.0 (= 8.15.3-1+b1), libjpeg-dev,
    libtiff-dev, zlib1g-dev, libfftw3-dev | fftw3-dev, liblcms2-dev, libspng-dev,
    libmagickcore-dev, libmagickwand-dev, libfreetype-dev, libpango1.0-dev, libfontconfig-dev,
    libglib2.0-dev, libice-dev, gettext, pkgconf, libhwy-dev, libopenexr-dev, libmatio-dev,
    libexpat1-dev, libcfitsio-dev, libopenslide-dev, libwebp-dev, libarchive-dev,
    libcgif-dev, libpoppler-glib-dev, librsvg2-dev, libjxl-dev, libimagequant-dev,
  Description: |-
    image processing system good for very large ones (dev)
     VIPS is an image processing system designed with efficiency in mind.
     It is good with large images (ones that larger than the amount of RAM in
     your machine), and for working with colour.  It can perform many
     image manipulation tasks much faster than other packages such as
     ImageMagick and the GIMP and includes some special features such as
     creating single "mosaic" images from multiple parts.
     VIPS consists of two main components: an image processing library
     with some command-line tools and a spreadsheet-like graphical user
     interface.  The graphical interface is available in the nip2 package.
     This package includes all development files needed to compile
     applications that use the vips library.
  Installed-Size: '2403'
  Maintainer: Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <>
  Package: libvips-dev
  Priority: optional
  Provides: gir1.2-vips-8.0-dev (= 8.15.3-1+b1)
  Recommends: libvips-doc, libvips-tools
  Section: libdevel
  Source: vips (8.15.3-1)
  Suggests: nip2
  Version: 8.15.3-1+b1
srcpkg_name: vips
srcpkg_version: 8.15.3-1


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package vips_8.15.3-1

binary package System mirror sid from - 1 month, 2 weeks ago 2 weeks, 3 days