Artifact r-cran-marginaleffects_0.21.0-1+b1_arm64

- control
- md5sums
  Architecture: arm64
  Depends: r-api-4.0, r-cran-checkmate, r-cran-data.table, r-cran-generics, r-cran-insight
    (>= 0.19.7), r-cran-rlang, r-cran-rcpp (>= 1.0.0), r-cran-rcppeigen, libc6 (>=
    2.17), libgcc-s1 (>= 3.0), libstdc++6 (>= 14)
  Description: |-
    GNU R predictions, comparisons, slopes, marginal means, and hypothesis
     Tests Compute and plot predictions, slopes, marginal means, and
     comparisons (contrasts, risk ratios, odds, etc.) for over 100 classes of
     statistical and machine learning models in R. Conduct linear and non-
     linear hypothesis tests, or equivalence tests. Calculate uncertainty
     estimates using the delta method, bootstrapping, or simulation-based
  Installed-Size: '2307'
  Maintainer: Debian R Packages Maintainers <>
  Package: r-cran-marginaleffects
  Priority: optional
  Recommends: r-cran-aer, r-cran-amelia, r-cran-afex, r-cran-bench, r-cran-bh, r-cran-blme,
    r-cran-boot, r-cran-brglm2, r-cran-brms, r-cran-broom, r-cran-car, r-cran-cardata,
    r-cran-collapse, r-cran-conflicted, r-cran-covr, r-cran-distributional, r-cran-dplyr,
    r-cran-emmeans, r-cran-estimatr, r-cran-fontquiver, r-cran-formula, r-cran-future,
    r-cran-future.apply, r-cran-gam, r-cran-geepack, r-cran-ggplot2, r-cran-ggrepel,
    r-cran-glmmtmb, r-cran-haven, r-cran-here, r-cran-kableextra, r-cran-lme4, r-cran-lmertest,
    r-cran-magrittr, r-cran-matchit, r-cran-mass, r-cran-mclogit, r-cran-mgcv, r-cran-mice,
    r-cran-nlme, r-cran-nnet, r-cran-numderiv, r-cran-ordinal, r-cran-parameters,
    r-cran-partykit, r-cran-patchwork, r-cran-pkgdown, r-cran-plm, r-cran-polspline,
    r-cran-poorman, r-cran-posterior, r-cran-pscl, r-cran-purrr, r-cran-quantreg,
    r-cran-rcmdcheck, r-cran-remotes, r-cran-reticulate, r-cran-rmarkdown, r-cran-rms,
    r-cran-robust, r-cran-robustbase, r-cran-rsample, r-cran-rstanarm, r-cran-rstantools,
    r-cran-rsvg, r-cran-sandwich, r-cran-spelling, r-cran-survey, r-cran-survival,
    r-cran-svglite, r-cran-systemfonts, r-cran-tibble, r-cran-tidyr, r-cran-tidyverse,
    r-cran-tinytest, r-cran-withr, r-cran-yaml, r-cran-testthat (>= 3.0.0)
  Section: gnu-r
  Source: r-cran-marginaleffects (0.21.0-1)
  Version: 0.21.0-1+b1
srcpkg_name: r-cran-marginaleffects
srcpkg_version: 0.21.0-1


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package r-cran-marginaleffects_0.21.0-1

binary package System mirror sid from - 2 months, 4 weeks ago 1 month, 4 weeks