Architecture: arm64
Binary: autodir autodir-dbgsym
Changed-By: Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>
Changes: |2-
autodir (0.99.9-18) unstable; urgency=medium
* Removed absolute paths for Exec* directives to avoid possible fails for
systems that use other paths for system tools, better later than never.
* Now using grep -E instead of obsoleted egrep.
* Policy bumped to 4.6.2, no changes.
* Updated homepage in d/control and the d/watch file.
- name: autodir-dbgsym_0.99.9-18_arm64.deb
sha1: 2a48af00d2a4848ee1ecb55229999dd28735e03e
size: '7708'
- name: autodir_0.99.9-18_arm64.buildinfo
sha1: ec0d8e813aeea64d6ab5b1fa706a716bc646cfad
size: '4936'
- name: autodir_0.99.9-18_arm64.deb
sha1: 09e45b418b04fcf6e86ea4ac9776896d912ba0a7
size: '67496'
- name: autodir-dbgsym_0.99.9-18_arm64.deb
sha256: c5764eaf2cc0a582780ed2437dc9b40cefc4b24577763e6017d767f1bbad2ce4
size: '7708'
- name: autodir_0.99.9-18_arm64.buildinfo
sha256: 0ead1f202d48cf373b035b99b2669e208975379f01d51067de6274a5469567e1
size: '4936'
- name: autodir_0.99.9-18_arm64.deb
sha256: 6644f3621347e7fc562fab17c5f3c302aced16ab84261e899c3e0610b6e5c761
size: '67496'
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2023 19:56:46 +0100
Description: |2-
autodir - Automatically creates home and group directories for LDAP/NIS/SQL
Distribution: sid
- md5sum: 36b402b17fa1ce6997e8cecec4c3a8ec
name: autodir-dbgsym_0.99.9-18_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: debug
size: '7708'
- md5sum: a4b01aecdbeac4802d840d8a90bc29f0
name: autodir_0.99.9-18_arm64.buildinfo
priority: optional
section: utils
size: '4936'
- md5sum: 75c539ca930047a2387c8d725c786a8c
name: autodir_0.99.9-18_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: utils
size: '67496'
Format: '1.8'
Maintainer: Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>
Source: autodir
Urgency: medium
Version: 0.99.9-18
type: dpkg