Architecture: arm64
Binary: dfu-programmer dfu-programmer-dbgsym
Changed-By: Rodolphe Pelloux-Prayer <>
Changes: |2-
dfu-programmer (0.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
- remove website link in description (Closes: #642585).
- use libusb-1.0 instead of libusb.
- Build-Depends += dh-autoreconf
- add dependency to pkg-config (thanks to Julian Taylor).
- bump to debhelper 9.
- bump standards version to 3.9.4.
- correct hyphenation in description (thanks to Adrian Glaubitz).
* debian/patches/:
- update_configure.patch: make it working with ubuntu too.
- escape_minus_sign_in_manpage.patch: escape remaining minus sign.
* debian/rules: add autoreconf
* debian/copyright: update copyright-format version.
- name: dfu-programmer-dbgsym_0.6.1-1_arm64.deb
sha1: 0ff46897ae4b9974a3a06f53264bc3d54e294095
size: '60196'
- name: dfu-programmer_0.6.1-1_arm64.buildinfo
sha1: 823d19809a9b2e3f6cd0102f01be45b09396923c
size: '5089'
- name: dfu-programmer_0.6.1-1_arm64.deb
sha1: f84bd7c60cf4164799ca84fee5eb81064a1c27d4
size: '30616'
- name: dfu-programmer-dbgsym_0.6.1-1_arm64.deb
sha256: 2df3eae6db65ed392776448b6c3f34e179ecb664b5a1af5fa88ce963ff97d619
size: '60196'
- name: dfu-programmer_0.6.1-1_arm64.buildinfo
sha256: 7ade1d5ec8c629f4dbb29c0cc331ee4d6f785a7a83e15011a26d560561a7b17f
size: '5089'
- name: dfu-programmer_0.6.1-1_arm64.deb
sha256: 8b300cd7c81dc6598951a5307c01bea00fdd088bf4bafc7c0a7ee49e5869d79e
size: '30616'
Closes: '642585'
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:51:07 +0200
Description: |2-
dfu-programmer - device firmware update (DFU) based USB programmer for Atmel chips
Distribution: sid
- md5sum: eaed7f1d69da2b9d56291fee227b6c8b
name: dfu-programmer-dbgsym_0.6.1-1_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: debug
size: '60196'
- md5sum: aaf290818ebc14b2a23415beca628873
name: dfu-programmer_0.6.1-1_arm64.buildinfo
priority: optional
section: electronics
size: '5089'
- md5sum: cb8ae6e3e546327b98a899e744f2eba6
name: dfu-programmer_0.6.1-1_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: electronics
size: '30616'
Format: '1.8'
Maintainer: Rodolphe Pelloux-Prayer <>
Source: dfu-programmer
Urgency: low
Version: 0.6.1-1
type: dpkg