Architecture: arm64
Binary: fprobe fprobe-dbgsym
Changed-By: Bernhard Schmidt <>
Changes: |2-
fprobe (1.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium
* Adopt package (Closes: #858688)
* Modernize packaging (Closes: #765206)
- dh10, dh sequencer, source format 3.0 etc
- Run wrap-and-sort -a
* Drop transitional package fprobe-ng, has been there for five years
* Add Homepage and Vcs-* URLs, history has been imported into collab-maint
* Fix init.d-script-does-not-source-init-functions
* Fix maintainer-script-ignores-errors
- name: fprobe-dbgsym_1.1-8_arm64.deb
sha1: f28c227b03ad4a78ec5ff58a7edce9617a43b8bb
size: '34352'
- name: fprobe_1.1-8_arm64.buildinfo
sha1: e50d3e62423eb46d41406e7ac1d69239311ff85e
size: '5075'
- name: fprobe_1.1-8_arm64.deb
sha1: 3b593d2f0e9fc5f5a605831e75ed9675c89052c1
size: '27732'
- name: fprobe-dbgsym_1.1-8_arm64.deb
sha256: 98d25fd5310f8514ff1d698f5d58ed00a4a433ae4f885c194454f114b9896d77
size: '34352'
- name: fprobe_1.1-8_arm64.buildinfo
sha256: e57e32d4c7bd26d8424598e786b001a69ca1f39e117a3622c9ab49c36ad88c23
size: '5075'
- name: fprobe_1.1-8_arm64.deb
sha256: 6cf8b126a880651d662055d3aed01314a034b329dc90ce61ff61f3b940434388
size: '27732'
Closes: 765206 858688
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2017 21:30:24 +0100
Description: |2-
fprobe - export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector
Distribution: sid
- md5sum: 8554adf03df1952c8d063bd7dd9c5354
name: fprobe-dbgsym_1.1-8_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: debug
size: '34352'
- md5sum: 95ef27d5f6feb3ef816744766950caa9
name: fprobe_1.1-8_arm64.buildinfo
priority: optional
section: net
size: '5075'
- md5sum: 462ad36c5778504d8a73dd64430905eb
name: fprobe_1.1-8_arm64.deb
priority: optional
section: net
size: '27732'
Format: '1.8'
Maintainer: Bernhard Schmidt <>
Source: fprobe
Urgency: medium
Version: 1.1-8
type: dpkg