Lintian task detail

Generic view


Summary of tags



C continuous-integration/salsa/include

Include directive in a Salsa CI specification.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: continuous-integration/salsa
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C continuous-integration/salsa/specification

File name likely holding a Salsa CI specification.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: continuous-integration/salsa
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debhelper-compat-level

This is the debhelper compat level used specified by this package.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debhelper-compat-virtual-relation

This package is using the debhelper-compat virtual package as a

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debian-build-system

This is the build system that Lintian believes the package is using.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C mail-contact

C package-is-co-maintained

The package is co-maintained but not team-maintained according to the
maintainer/uploaders fields in the debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C rules-do-not-require-root

The sources can build the installation packages without using fakeroot(1)
or similar.

Please refer to usr/share/doc/dpkg/spec/rootless-builds.txt, debian/rules
and Rules-Requires-Root (Section 4.9.2) in the Debian Policy Manual, and
Rules-Requires-Root (Section 5.6.31) in the Debian Policy Manual for

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/control/field/rules-requires-root
Renamed from: rules-does-not-require-root
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C source-format

This is the source format declared in the package.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/source-dir
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C standards-version

The standards version of the package according to Standards-Version field
in the debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/standards-version
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C trimmed-deb822-field

C trimmed-field

C vcs

The package uses the specified VCS (eg. "git") according to the
debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C vcs-uri

The package uses the specified VCS URI according to the debian/control

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C ctrl-script

C data-tarball-compression-format

C debhelper-autoscript-in-maintainer-scripts

The maintainer scripts of the package contain one or more auto-generated
shell snippets inserted by the listed debhelper tool.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: maintainer-scripts/generated
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C mail-contact

C maintainer-script-interpreter

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field