Lintian task detail

Generic view


Summary of tags



I adopted-extended-field

A field in debian/control has an extension prefix but is also known
without it.

Extension prefixes like XS-* or XC-* allow experimental fields to
propagate to the right place when packages are built with dpkg. In this
case, however, the field is also known without the prefix. In all
likelihood the field was permanently adopted, and dpkg learned how to deal
with it.

Please consider removing the extension prefix for the field name.

Visibility: info
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/control/field/adopted
Renamed from: xc-package-type-in-debian-control
xs-testsuite-field-in-debian-control xs-vcs-field-in-debian-control

I debian-control-has-empty-field

I debian-control-has-obsolete-dbg-package

I debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri

The watch file uses an unencrypted transport protocol for the URI such as
http:// or ftp://. It is recommended to use a secure transport such as
HTTPS for anonymous read-only access.

Upstream may already provide a HTTPS variant of the URI. If not, please
contact them and ask them to consider adding one.

Visibility: info
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/watch

I duplicate-long-description

I installable-field-mirrors-source

I no-dh-sequencer

This package does not use the dh sequencer in debian/rules.

While maintainers may use a variety of build systems, this one is by far
the most popular.

Maintainers are strongly encouraged to use the dh sequencer in new
packages and convert existing ones when appropriate.

Visibility: info
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/rules/dh-sequencer

I patch-not-forwarded-upstream

I quilt-patch-missing-description

I unused-override

P license-problem-gfdl-non-official-text

P maintainer-manual-page

P no-dep5-copyright

This package does not use a machine-readable debian/copyright file.

This format makes it easier to review licenses and can be easily parsed by

Please refer to for

Visibility: pedantic
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/copyright/dep5

P package-does-not-install-examples

P package-does-not-use-debhelper-or-cdbs

This package does not appear to use a build system helper such as
debhelper or cdbs.

It is recommended that packages use such tools as they avoid a large
number of common errors and tedious boilerplate as well as permit
distribution-wide changes to packages and reduce the "bus factor" &
barriers to entry from external contributors.

Please refer to the debhelper(7) manual page, the dh(1) manual page, and for details.

Visibility: pedantic
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper

P source-contains-prebuilt-binary

P trailing-whitespace

X debian-watch-does-not-check-openpgp-signature

This watch file does not specify a means to verify the upstream tarball
using a cryptographic signature.

If upstream distributions provides such signatures, please use the
pgpsigurlmangle options in this watch file's opts= to generate the URL of
an upstream OpenPGP signature. This signature is automatically downloaded
and verified against a keyring stored in debian/upstream/signing-key.asc

Of course, not all upstreams provide such signatures but you could request
them as a way of verifying that no third party has modified the code after
its release (projects such as phpmyadmin, unrealircd, and proftpd have
suffered from this kind of attack).

Please refer to the uscan(1) manual page for details.

Visibility: pedantic
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/watch
Renamed from: debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature
This tag is experimental.

X elf-warning

overridden source-is-missing

masked by screen autotools/long-lines

X upstream-metadata-file-is-missing

This source package is not Debian-native but it does not have a
debian/upstream/metadata file.

The Upstream MEtadata GAthered with YAml (UMEGAYA) project is an effort to
collect meta-information about upstream projects from any source package.
This file is in YAML format and it is used in to feed the data in the
UltimateDebianDatabase. For example, it can contains the way the authors
want their software be cited in publications and some bibliographic
references about the software.

Please add a debian/upstream/metadata file.

Please refer to and for details.

Visibility: pedantic
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/upstream/metadata
This tag is experimental.

X very-long-line-length-in-source-file

overridden binaries-have-file-conflict

yes, we know what we are doing

overridden debian-rules-sets-dpkg-architecture-variable

big tables

C debian-build-system

This is the build system that Lintian believes the package is using.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debian-watch-file-standard

The watch file uses this version standard. The currently known watch file
versions are 2, 3 and 4. Version 1 means it was undeclared.

Please refer to the uscan(1) manual page for details.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/watch/standard
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C generated-file

C mail-contact

C number-of-patches

The number of patches according to the debian/patches/series file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/patches/count
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C package-is-co-maintained

The package is co-maintained but not team-maintained according to the
maintainer/uploaders fields in the debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C patch-system

This package uses the specified patch system (eg. "quilt" or "dpatch").

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/patches
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C rules-do-not-require-root

The sources can build the installation packages without using fakeroot(1)
or similar.

Please refer to usr/share/doc/dpkg/spec/rootless-builds.txt, debian/rules
and Rules-Requires-Root (Section 4.9.2) in the Debian Policy Manual, and
Rules-Requires-Root (Section 5.6.31) in the Debian Policy Manual for

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/control/field/rules-requires-root
Renamed from: rules-does-not-require-root
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C source-format

This is the source format declared in the package.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/source-dir
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C standards-version

The standards version of the package according to Standards-Version field
in the debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/standards-version
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C trimmed-deb822-field

C trimmed-field

C vcs

The package uses the specified VCS (eg. "git") according to the
debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C vcs-uri

The package uses the specified VCS URI according to the debian/control

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.


I no-md5sums-control-file

P copyright-refers-to-symlink-license

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I no-md5sums-control-file

I package-contains-documentation-outside-usr-share-doc

P copyright-refers-to-symlink-license

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I conflicts-with-version

I package-contains-empty-directory

P copyright-refers-to-symlink-license

X package-contains-no-arch-dependent-files

overridden no-manual-page

the API of the shared libs is not public, don't care about the name

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I hardening-no-bindnow

I hardening-no-fortify-functions

I spelling-error-in-binary

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share

The package has a significant amount of architecture-independent data
(over 4MB, or over 2MB and more than 50% of the package) in /usr/share but
is an architecture-dependent package. This is wasteful of mirror space and
bandwidth since it means distributing multiple copies of this data, one
for each architecture.

If the data in /usr/share is not architecture-independent, this is a
Policy violation that should be fixed by moving the data elsewhere
(usually /usr/lib).

Please refer to Section 6.7.5 of the Debian Developer's Reference for

Visibility: info
Show-Always: no
Check: huge-usr-share

I typo-in-manual-page

P copyright-refers-to-symlink-license

P renamed-tag

X package-contains-no-arch-dependent-files

overridden groff-message

manpages are in binutils-common

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I conflicts-with-version

I unstripped-static-library

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I hardening-no-bindnow

I hardening-no-fortify-functions

I no-symbols-control-file

I spelling-error-in-binary

I unused-override

P renamed-tag

X exit-in-shared-library

overridden no-manual-page

the API of the shared libs is not public, don't care about the name

overridden package-name-doesnt-match-sonames

test data

C control-tarball-compression-format

C ctrl-script

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C maintainer-script-interpreter

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I unused-override

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I extended-description-is-probably-too-short

The extended description (the lines after the first line of the
"Description:" field) is only one or two lines long. The extended
description should provide a user with enough information to decide
whether they want to install this package, what it contains, and how it
compares to similar packages. One or two lines is normally not enough to
do this.

Please refer to General guidelines for package descriptions (Section
6.2.1) in the Debian Developer's Reference and The long description
(Section 6.2.3) in the Debian Developer's Reference for details.

Visibility: info
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/description

I hardening-no-bindnow

I hardening-no-fortify-functions

I no-symbols-control-file

I unused-override

P renamed-tag

X exit-in-shared-library

overridden package-name-doesnt-match-sonames

test data

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I hardening-no-bindnow

I hardening-no-fortify-functions

I symbols-file-missing-build-depends-package-field

I wrong-section-according-to-package-name

P copyright-refers-to-symlink-license

X exit-in-shared-library

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I package-contains-empty-directory

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I hardening-no-bindnow

I hardening-no-fortify-functions

I symbols-file-missing-build-depends-package-field

I wrong-section-according-to-package-name

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I package-contains-empty-directory

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I hardening-no-bindnow

I hardening-no-fortify-functions

I symbols-file-missing-build-depends-package-field

I wrong-section-according-to-package-name

P copyright-refers-to-symlink-license

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field


I package-contains-empty-directory

C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

C package-is-maintained-by-individual

C trimmed-field