Lintian task detail

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X debian-watch-does-not-check-openpgp-signature

This watch file does not specify a means to verify the upstream tarball
using a cryptographic signature.

If upstream distributions provides such signatures, please use the
pgpsigurlmangle options in this watch file's opts= to generate the URL of
an upstream OpenPGP signature. This signature is automatically downloaded
and verified against a keyring stored in debian/upstream/signing-key.asc

Of course, not all upstreams provide such signatures but you could request
them as a way of verifying that no third party has modified the code after
its release (projects such as phpmyadmin, unrealircd, and proftpd have
suffered from this kind of attack).

Please refer to the uscan(1) manual page for details.

Visibility: pedantic
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/watch
Renamed from: debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature
This tag is experimental.

X upstream-metadata-file-is-missing

This source package is not Debian-native but it does not have a
debian/upstream/metadata file.

The Upstream MEtadata GAthered with YAml (UMEGAYA) project is an effort to
collect meta-information about upstream projects from any source package.
This file is in YAML format and it is used in to feed the data in the
UltimateDebianDatabase. For example, it can contains the way the authors
want their software be cited in publications and some bibliographic
references about the software.

Please add a debian/upstream/metadata file.

Please refer to and for details.

Visibility: pedantic
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/upstream/metadata
This tag is experimental.

overridden debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri

The watch file uses an unencrypted transport protocol for the URI such as
http:// or ftp://. It is recommended to use a secure transport such as
HTTPS for anonymous read-only access.

Upstream may already provide a HTTPS variant of the URI. If not, please
contact them and ask them to consider adding one.

Visibility: info
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/watch

overridden maintainer-manual-page

C continuous-integration/salsa/include

Include directive in a Salsa CI specification.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: continuous-integration/salsa
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C continuous-integration/salsa/specification

File name likely holding a Salsa CI specification.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: continuous-integration/salsa
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debhelper-compat-level

This is the debhelper compat level used specified by this package.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debhelper-compat-virtual-relation

This package is using the debhelper-compat virtual package as a

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debian-build-system

This is the build system that Lintian believes the package is using.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debhelper
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C debian-watch-file-standard

The watch file uses this version standard. The currently known watch file
versions are 2, 3 and 4. Version 1 means it was undeclared.

Please refer to the uscan(1) manual page for details.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/watch/standard
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C mail-contact

C number-of-patches

The number of patches according to the debian/patches/series file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/patches/count
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C package-is-team-maintained

C patch-system

This package uses the specified patch system (eg. "quilt" or "dpatch").

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/patches
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C rules-do-not-require-root

The sources can build the installation packages without using fakeroot(1)
or similar.

Please refer to usr/share/doc/dpkg/spec/rootless-builds.txt, debian/rules
and Rules-Requires-Root (Section 4.9.2) in the Debian Policy Manual, and
Rules-Requires-Root (Section 5.6.31) in the Debian Policy Manual for

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/control/field/rules-requires-root
Renamed from: rules-does-not-require-root
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C source-format

This is the source format declared in the package.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/source-dir
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C standards-version

The standards version of the package according to Standards-Version field
in the debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/standards-version
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C trimmed-deb822-field

C trimmed-field

C vcs

The package uses the specified VCS (eg. "git") according to the
debian/control file.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C vcs-uri

The package uses the specified VCS URI according to the debian/control

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/vcs
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.


X executable-in-usr-lib

C control-tarball-compression-format

C ctrl-script

C data-tarball-compression-format

C debhelper-autoscript-in-maintainer-scripts

The maintainer scripts of the package contain one or more auto-generated
shell snippets inserted by the listed debhelper tool.

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: maintainer-scripts/generated
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C mail-contact

C maintainer-script-interpreter

C package-is-team-maintained

C trimmed-field


C control-tarball-compression-format

C data-tarball-compression-format

C mail-contact

C no-ctrl-scripts

The package does not rely on any maintainer scripts (or other executable
control files).

Visibility: classification
Show-Always: no
Check: control-files
This tag is a classification. There is no issue in your package.

C package-is-team-maintained

C trimmed-field