Artifact php-laravel-framework_8.83.26+dfsg-2_all

- control
- md5sums
  Architecture: all
  Breaks: php-tightenco-collect (<< 5.5.33~~)
  Depends: php-common, php-json, php-mbstring, php-doctrine-inflector, php-dragonmantank-cron-expression
    (>= 3.0.2), php-dragonmantank-cron-expression (<< 4~~), php-email-validator (>=
    3.1), php-email-validator (<< 4~~), php-laravel-serializable-closure (>= 1.0),
    php-laravel-serializable-closure (<< 2~~), php-league-commonmark, php-league-flysystem
    (>= 1.1), php-league-flysystem (<< 2~~), php-monolog (>= 2.0), php-monolog (<<
    3~~), php-nesbot-carbon (>= 2.53.1), php-nesbot-carbon (<< 3~~), php-opis-closure
    (>= 3.6), php-opis-closure (<< 4~~), php-psr-container (>= 1.0), php-psr-container
    (<< 2~~), php-psr-log, php-psr-simple-cache (>= 1.0), php-psr-simple-cache (<<
    2~~), php-ramsey-uuid (>= 4.2.2), php-ramsey-uuid (<< 5~~), php-swiftmailer (>=
    6.3), php-swiftmailer (<< 7~~), php-symfony-console (>= 5.4), php-symfony-console
    (<< 6~~), php-symfony-error-handler (>= 5.4), php-symfony-error-handler (<< 6~~),
    php-symfony-finder (>= 5.4), php-symfony-finder (<< 6~~), php-symfony-http-foundation
    (>= 5.4), php-symfony-http-foundation (<< 6~~), php-symfony-http-kernel (>= 5.4),
    php-symfony-http-kernel (<< 6~~), php-symfony-mime (>= 5.4), php-symfony-mime
    (<< 6~~), php-symfony-process (>= 5.4), php-symfony-process (<< 6~~), php-symfony-routing
    (>= 5.4), php-symfony-routing (<< 6~~), php-symfony-var-dumper (>= 5.4), php-symfony-var-dumper
    (<< 6~~), php-tijsverkoyen-css-to-inline-styles (>= 2.2.2), php-tijsverkoyen-css-to-inline-styles
    (<< 3~~), php-vlucas-phpdotenv (>= 5.4.1), php-vlucas-phpdotenv (<< 6~~), php-voku-portable-ascii
    (>= 2.0), php-voku-portable-ascii (<< 3~~), php-illuminate-auth (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-broadcasting (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-bus (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-cache (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-collections (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-config (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-console (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-container (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-contracts (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-cookie (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-database (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-encryption (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-events (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-filesystem (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-hashing (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-http (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-log (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-macroable (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-mail (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2),
    php-illuminate-notifications (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-pagination (=
    8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-pipeline (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-queue
    (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-redis (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-routing
    (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-session (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-support
    (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-testing (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-translation
    (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-validation (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2), php-illuminate-view
    (= 8.83.26+dfsg-2)
  Description: |-
    web application framework for PHP
     Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It
     attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in
     the majority of web projects, such as:
      * Simple, fast routing engine
      * Powerful dependency injection container
      * Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage
      * Database agnostic schema migrations
      * Robust background job processing
      * Real-time event broadcasting
     Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing tools needed for large, robust
     applications. A superb combination of simplicity, elegance, and innovation
     gives you a complete toolset required to build any application with which you
     are tasked.
  Installed-Size: '620'
  Maintainer: Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers <>
  Package: php-laravel-framework
  Priority: optional
  Provides: php-psr-container-implementation (= 1.0), php-psr-simple-cache-implementation
    (= 1.0)
  Section: php
  Suggests: php-bcmath, php-gd, php-memcached, php-redis, php-ably-php, php-aws-sdk-php,
    php-brianium-paratest, php-doctrine-dbal, php-filp-whoops, php-fakerphp-faker,
    php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-laravel-tinker, php-league-flysystem-aws-s3-v3, php-league-flysystem-cached-adapter,
    php-league-flysystem-sftp, php-mockery, php-nyholm-psr7, php-pda-pheanstalk, phpunit,
    php-predis, php-psr-http-message, php-pusher-php-server, php-symfony-cache, php-symfony-filesystem,
    php-symfony-psr-http-message-bridge, php-wildbit-swiftmailer-postmark
  Version: 8.83.26+dfsg-2
srcpkg_name: php-laravel-framework
srcpkg_version: 8.83.26+dfsg-2


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built-using Source package php-laravel-framework_8.83.26+dfsg-2

binary package System - - 5 months, 1 week ago 4 months, 1 week