Artifact etcd-client_3.4.23-4+b4_arm64

- control
- md5sums
  Architecture: arm64
  Built-Using: go-md2man-v2 (= 2.0.2+ds1-1), golang-1.19 (= 1.19.8-2), golang-blackfriday-v2
    (= 2.1.0-1), golang-github-beorn7-perks (= 1.0.1-1), golang-github-bgentry-speakeasy
    (= 0.1.0-2), golang-github-cespare-xxhash (= 2.1.1-2), golang-github-cockroachdb-datadriven
    (= 1.0.2-6), golang-github-coreos-bbolt (= 1.3.6-2), golang-github-coreos-go-systemd
    (= 22.3.2-1), golang-github-coreos-pkg (= 4-3), golang-github-coreos-semver (=
    0.3.0-1), golang-github-creack-pty (= 1.1.18-1), golang-github-dustin-go-humanize
    (= 1.0.0-3), golang-github-golang-groupcache (= 0.0~git20200121.8c9f03a-2), golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt
    (= 4.4.3-1), golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-3 (= 1.3.5-4), golang-github-google-btree
    (= 1.0.0-1), golang-github-google-uuid (= 1.3.0-1), golang-github-gorilla-websocket
    (= 1.5.0-2), golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware (= 1.3.0-1), golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-prometheus
    (= 1.2.0+git20191002.6af20e3-3), golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway (=
    1.6.4-2), golang-github-jonboulle-clockwork (= 0.1.0-4.1), golang-github-json-iterator-go
    (= 1.1.12-1), golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth (= 0.0.14-1), golang-github-modern-go-concurrent
    (= 1.0.3-1.1), golang-github-modern-go-reflect2 (= 1.0.2-2), golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter
    (= 0.0.5-2), golang-github-pmezard-go-difflib (= 1.0.0-3), golang-github-prometheus-client-golang
    (= 1.14.0-3), golang-github-prometheus-client-model (= 0.3.0-3), golang-github-prometheus-common
    (= 0.39.0-2), golang-github-prometheus-procfs (= 0.8.0-3), golang-github-rivo-uniseg
    (= 0.4.2-1), golang-github-soheilhy-cmux (= 0.1.5-2), golang-github-spf13-cobra
    (= 1.6.1-1), golang-github-spf13-pflag (= 1.0.6~git20210604-d5e0c0615ace-1), golang-github-tmc-grpc-websocket-proxy
    (= 0.0~git20200427.3cfed13-3), golang-github-urfave-cli (= 1.22.9-2), golang-github-xiang90-probing
    (= 0.0.2-2), golang-go.crypto (= 1:0.4.0-1), golang-go.uber-atomic (= 1.10.0-2),
    golang-go.uber-multierr (= 1.6.0-1), golang-go.uber-zap (= 1.23.0-1), golang-gogoprotobuf
    (= 1.3.2-3), golang-golang-x-net (= 1:0.7.0+dfsg-1), golang-golang-x-sys (= 0.3.0-1),
    golang-golang-x-text (= 0.7.0-1), golang-golang-x-time (= 0.3.0-1), golang-google-genproto
    (= 0.0~git20200413.b5235f6-3), golang-google-grpc (= 1.33.3-2), golang-google-protobuf
    (= 1.28.1-3), golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v1 (= 1.0.25-1), golang-k8s-sigs-yaml (=
    1.3.0-1), golang-logrus (= 1.9.0-1), golang-protobuf-extensions (= 1.0.1-3), golang-yaml.v2
    (= 2.4.0-4)
  Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34)
  Description: |-
    highly-available key value store -- client
     A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service
     discovery. etcd is inspired by zookeeper and doozer, with a focus on:
      * Simple: curl'able user facing API (HTTP+JSON)
      * Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication
      * Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance
      * Reliable: Properly distributed using Raft
     Etcd uses the Raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated
     This package contains the client binaries.
  Installed-Size: '16094'
  Maintainer: Debian Go Packaging Team <>
  Package: etcd-client
  Priority: optional
  Section: net
  Source: etcd (3.4.23-4)
  Version: 3.4.23-4+b4
srcpkg_name: etcd
srcpkg_version: 3.4.23-4


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package etcd_3.4.23-4

binary package System - - 5 months, 3 weeks ago 4 months, 3 weeks