Artifact gh_2.23.0+dfsg1-1_arm64

- control
- md5sums
  Architecture: arm64
  Conflicts: gitsome (<< 0.8.0+ds-7.1)
  Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34)
  Description: "GitHub CLI, GitHub\u2019s official command line tool\n GitHub CLI\
    \ \"gh\" is GitHub on the command line.  It brings pull requests,\n issues, and\
    \ other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are\n already working\
    \ with git and your code.\n .\n GitHub CLI is available for repositories hosted\
    \ on and GitHub\n Enterprise Server 2.20+, and to install on macOS,\
    \ Windows, and Linux.\n .\n Comparison with hub:\n .\n For many years, hub (\
    \ was the unofficial\n GitHub CLI tool.  gh is a new project that helps us explore\
    \ what an\n official GitHub CLI tool can look like with a fundamentally different\n\
    \ design.  While both tools bring GitHub to the terminal, hub behaves as a\n proxy\
    \ to git, and gh is a standalone tool.  Check out the more detailed\n explanation\
    \ at\n to learn more."
  Installed-Size: '38440'
  Maintainer: Debian Go Packaging Team <>
  Package: gh
  Priority: optional
  Section: utils
  Static-Built-Using: go-md2man-v2 (= 2.0.2+ds1-1), gojq (= 0.12.11-1), golang-1.19
    (= 1.19.6-2), golang-blackfriday-v2 (= 2.1.0-1), golang-github-alecaivazis-survey
    (= 2.3.6+ds1-1), golang-github-alecthomas-chroma (= 0.10.0-3), golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-osc52
    (= 1.2.1-1), golang-github-aymerick-douceur (= 0.2.0-3), golang-github-briandowns-spinner
    (= 1.18.1+ds1-1), golang-github-cenkalti-backoff (= 4.1.3-1), golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour
    (= 0.5.0-2), golang-github-charmbracelet-lipgloss (= 0.5.0-1), golang-github-cli-browser
    (= 1.1.0-2), golang-github-cli-go-gh (= 1.0.0-1), golang-github-cli-oauth (= 1.0.1-1),
    golang-github-cli-safeexec (= 1.0.1-1), golang-github-cli-shurcool-graphql (=
    0.0.2-1), golang-github-davecgh-go-spew (= 1.1.1-3), golang-github-dlclark-regexp2
    (= 1.4.0+ds1-1), golang-github-fatih-color (= 1.7.0-1), golang-github-gabriel-vasile-mimetype
    (= 1.4.1+dfsg1-2), golang-github-gdamore-encoding (= 1.0.0-3), golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2
    (= 2.5.4-1), golang-github-google-shlex (= 0.0~git20191202.e7afc7f-1), golang-github-gorilla-css
    (= 1.0.0-3), golang-github-gorilla-websocket (= 1.5.0-2), golang-github-hashicorp-errwrap
    (= 1.1.0-1), golang-github-hashicorp-go-multierror (= 1.1.1-2), golang-github-hashicorp-go-version
    (= 1.3.0-1), golang-github-itchyny-timefmt-go (= 0.1.3-2), golang-github-joho-godotenv
    (= 1.5.1-1), golang-github-kballard-go-shellquote (= 0.0~git20180428.95032a8-2),
    golang-github-lucasb-eyer-go-colorful (= 1.2.0-1), golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc
    (= 1.0.0-1), golang-github-mattn-go-colorable (= 0.1.13-1), golang-github-mattn-go-isatty
    (= 0.0.17-1), golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth (= 0.0.14-1), golang-github-mgutz-ansi
    (= 0.0~git20200706.d51e80e-1), golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday (= 1.0.20-1),
    golang-github-muesli-reflow (= 0.3.0-2), golang-github-muesli-termenv (= 0.13.0-2),
    golang-github-muhammadmuzzammil1998-jsonc (= 0.0~git20201229.615b091-2), golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter
    (= 0.0.5-2), golang-github-opentracing-opentracing-go (= 1.2.0-2), golang-github-pmezard-go-difflib
    (= 1.0.0-3), golang-github-rivo-tview (= 0.0~git20221029.c4a7e50-1), golang-github-rivo-uniseg
    (= 0.4.2-1), golang-github-shurcool-githubv4 (= 0.0~git20220520.0b4e329-1), golang-github-shurcool-graphql
    (= 0.0~git20220606.3cf50f8-1), golang-github-sourcegraph-jsonrpc2 (= 0.1.0-3),
    golang-github-spf13-cobra (= 1.6.1-1), golang-github-spf13-pflag (= 1.0.6~git20210604-d5e0c0615ace-1),
    golang-github-thlib-go-timezone-local (= 0.0~git20210907.ef149e4-5), golang-github-yuin-goldmark
    (= 1.5.3-1), golang-github-yuin-goldmark-emoji (= 1.0.1-2), golang-golang-x-net
    (= 1:0.7.0+dfsg-1), golang-golang-x-sync (= 0.1.0-1), golang-golang-x-sys (= 0.3.0-1),
    golang-golang-x-term (= 0.3.0-1), golang-golang-x-text (= 0.5.0-1), golang-google-genproto
    (= 0.0~git20200413.b5235f6-3), golang-google-protobuf (= 1.28.1-3), golang-gopkg-yaml.v3
    (= 3.0.1-3), golang-objx (= 0.5.0-1), golang-testify (= 1.8.1-1)
  Version: 2.23.0+dfsg1-1
srcpkg_name: gh
srcpkg_version: 2.23.0+dfsg1-1


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package gh_2.23.0+dfsg1-1

binary package System - - 5 months, 3 weeks ago 4 months, 3 weeks