Artifact python3-nova_2:30.0.0~rc1-1_all

- control
- md5sums
- postinst
- prerm
  Architecture: all
  Conflicts: python3-cjson
  Depends: alembic, e2fsprogs, genisoimage, openssh-client, openssl, python3-barbicanclient,
    python3-castellan, python3-ceph, python3-cinderclient, python3-cryptography (>=
    2.7), python3-cursive, python3-dateutil, python3-decorator, python3-eventlet,
    python3-feedparser, python3-futurist, python3-glanceclient, python3-greenlet,
    python3-iso8601, python3-jinja2, python3-jsonschema (>= 4.0.0), python3-keystoneauth1,
    python3-keystonemiddleware, python3-lxml, python3-memcache, python3-microversion-parse,
    python3-mysqldb, python3-netaddr, python3-netifaces, python3-neutronclient, python3-novaclient,
    python3-openstacksdk, python3-os-brick, python3-os-resource-classes, python3-os-service-types,
    python3-os-traits (>= 3.1.0), python3-os-vif (>= 3.1.0), python3-oslo.cache, python3-oslo.concurrency,
    python3-oslo.config, python3-oslo.context, python3-oslo.db, python3-oslo.i18n,
    python3-oslo.limit, python3-oslo.log, python3-oslo.messaging (>= 14.1.0), python3-oslo.middleware,
    python3-oslo.policy (>= 4.4.0), python3-oslo.privsep, python3-oslo.reports, python3-oslo.rootwrap,
    python3-oslo.serialization, python3-oslo.service, python3-oslo.upgradecheck, python3-oslo.utils
    (>= 7.3.0), python3-oslo.versionedobjects, python3-paramiko, python3-paste, python3-pastedeploy,
    python3-pbr, python3-prettytable, python3-psutil, python3-psycopg2, python3-pycurl,
    python3-pymysql, python3-pyparsing, python3-requests, python3-retrying, python3-rfc3986,
    python3-routes, python3-sqlalchemy (>= 1.4.13), python3-stevedore, python3-tempita,
    python3-tooz, python3-webob, python3-websockify, python3-yaml, sudo, python3-alembic,
  Description: |-
    OpenStack Compute - libraries
     OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce
     the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public
     and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement
     and massively scalable.
     OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller
     designed to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. In addition to its
     "native" OpenStack API, it also supports the Amazon EC2 API, and it supports
     many different database backends (including SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL),
     hypervisors (KVM, Xen), and user directory systems (LDAP, SQL).
     This package contains the core Python parts of Nova.
  Installed-Size: '26595'
  Maintainer: Debian OpenStack <>
  Package: python3-nova
  Priority: optional
  Section: python
  Source: nova
  Suggests: python3-suds
  Version: 2:30.0.0~rc1-1
srcpkg_name: nova
srcpkg_version: 2:30.0.0~rc1-1


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package nova_2:30.0.0~rc1-1

binary package System mirror trixie from - 3 weeks, 5 days ago 0 minutes