Artifact gost_0.1.2-2+b5_arm64

- control
- md5sums
  Architecture: arm64
  Built-Using: golang-1.23 (= 1.23.2-1), golang-filippo-edwards25519 (= 1.0.0~rc1+git20210721-0.1),
    golang-fsnotify (= 1.7.0-1), golang-github-cenkalti-backoff (= 4.3.0-1), golang-github-cheggaaa-pb.v3
    (= 3.1.5-1), golang-github-go-redis-redis (= 6.15.0-2), golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql
    (= 1.8.1-2), golang-github-go-stack-stack (= 1.8.0-1), golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt
    (= 5.0.0+really4.5.0-2), golang-github-grokify-html-strip-tags-go (= 0.0~git20180907.e9e4496-1.1),
    golang-github-hashicorp-hcl (= 1.0.0-1.1), golang-github-inconshreveable-log15
    (= 2.15-2), golang-github-jinzhu-gorm (= 1.9.6-2), golang-github-jinzhu-inflection
    (= 1.0.0-1), golang-github-labstack-echo (= 4.12.0-1), golang-github-labstack-gommon
    (= 0.2.6-2), golang-github-lib-pq (= 1.10.9-2), golang-github-magiconair-properties
    (= 1.8.7-1), golang-github-mattn-go-colorable (= 0.1.13-1), golang-github-mattn-go-isatty
    (= 0.0.20-1), golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth (= 0.0.15-2), golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3
    (= 1.14.19~ds1-1), golang-github-mitchellh-go-homedir (= 1.1.0-1), golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure
    (= 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1), golang-github-moul-http2curl (= 0.0~git20161031.0.4e24498+dfsg-1.1),
    golang-github-parnurzeal-gorequest (= 0.2.15-1.1), golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2
    (= 2.2.1-1), golang-github-pkg-errors (= 0.9.1-3), golang-github-rivo-uniseg (=
    0.4.7-1), golang-github-spf13-afero (= 1.11.0-1), golang-github-spf13-cast (=
    1.6.0-1), golang-github-spf13-cobra (= 1.8.1-1), golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman
    (= 1.1.0+really1.1.0-2), golang-github-spf13-pflag (= 1.0.6~git20210604-d5e0c0615ace-1),
    golang-github-spf13-viper (= 1.12.0-1), golang-github-subosito-gotenv (= 1.3.0-1),
    golang-github-tealeg-xlsx (= 1.0.5-1), golang-github-valyala-bytebufferpool (=
    1.0.0-4), golang-github-valyala-fasttemplate (= 1.2.2+ds1-2), golang-go.crypto
    (= 1:0.25.0-1), golang-golang-x-net (= 1:0.27.0-1), golang-golang-x-sys (= 0.22.0-1),
    golang-golang-x-text (= 0.16.0-1), golang-golang-x-time (= 0.5.0-1), golang-gopkg-ini.v1
    (= 1.67.0-1), golang-gopkg-yaml.v3 (= 3.0.1-3), golang-toml (= 1.4.0-1)
  Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34), libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.36.0)
  Description: |-
    local copy tool of Security Tracker (Red Hat/Debian) written in go
     gost builds a local copy of Security Tracker (Red Hat/Debian).
     After you register CVEs to watch list, gost notify via E-mail/Slack if there
     is an update.
     The pronunciation of gost is the same as the English word "ghost".
  Installed-Size: '13963'
  Maintainer: Debian Go Packaging Team <>
  Package: gost
  Priority: optional
  Section: devel
  Source: gost (0.1.2-2)
  Version: 0.1.2-2+b5
srcpkg_name: gost
srcpkg_version: 0.1.2-2


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Relation Direction Type Name
built-using Source package gost_0.1.2-2

binary package System mirror sid from - 10 hours, 10 minutes ago 0 minutes